Our Company

The Pacific Hygiene Story: It began in a garage…

Like all great business stories, the Pacific Hygiene story starts with an engineer in a garage. Rod Downs had just sold his engineering business and was looking for the next challenge. 

A timely phone call from long time friend Kevin Edington, set the wheels in motion for the Pacific Hygiene journey. A meeting with Rod, Mike Berry and Stuart Smith, established a new partnership with Kimberly-Clark as the main supplier. 

A great decision was made to hire Diane Dowle as Administration Manager, and the company grew rapidly. After 12 years, of a successful partnership with Kimberly-Clark new management in Australia forced both companies to go their separate ways.

Today, Pacific Hygiene stands as a testament to resilience, innovation, and strategic growth, marking its place as one of New Zealand's largest suppliers of commercial hygiene tissue products and a significant player in the global market.